Get started with the Creatively Squared platform

Want to learn your way around the Creatively Squared platform in just 15 minutes? You're in the right place. These quick, focused tutorials cover everything you need to know to get up and running.

From setting up your brand profile to managing projects and assets, each video is designed to get you working confidently with the platform. We've broken down all the essential features into bite-sized lessons you can watch at your own pace.

The full series takes less than 15 minutes to complete, making it perfect for busy schedules. Whether you're new to the platform or looking to refresh your knowledge, these tutorials will help you make the most of your creative projects.

Jump into any module that interests you, or follow them in order for a complete overview. Ready to begin

Platform Introduction

Discover the key features of the platform with this quick introduction.

Notification Settings

Customise your notifications for better project management.

Creating Your Brand Profile

Walk through the steps to create and manage your brand profile.

Your Projects Dashboard

Use search and filters to easily navigate your projects' dashboard.

Understanding the 3 Project Types

Learn the differences between Original Creative, Content Creation and Adapt & Optimise.

Understanding Assets

Master your digital assets and manage them efficiently.

Understanding Collections

Learn how to curate assets and collaborate using the collections feature.

Managing Assets: Proofing, Versioning, and Approvals

Tutorial covering proofing, versioning and approvals.

Ready to produce customised photos & video for your brand?

Want to get paid to create visual content?

Get access to paid work opportunities with global brands. Register your interest by sharing some examples of your work.

Sign up to receive the latest digital brand strategies and case studies

Download our free guide: 20 brand campaigns using visual context to engage consumers

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Free Email Bootcamp
The Content Accelerator
Master the art of visual content creation through bite-sized challenges that build your skills step-by-step.
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Free Email Bootcamp
The Content Accelerator
Master the art of visual content creation through bite-sized challenges that build your skills step-by-step.
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